Wellbeing and Life-Balance Coaching
Wellbeing coaching shines the light of integrative wellness on every important area of your life. All these factors are interconnected and vital to creating a fulfilling, happy, and successful life. It’s amazing to experience firsthand how improvement in any one of these areas has a positive effect on all the others as well.
- Health and fitness—raising your fitness level and your vital health indicators not only makes you stronger and fitter physically, but also more resilient psychologically.
- Career—wellbeing coaching supports career development in five respects that are all important and interdependent, helping you align your thinking, feeling, visioning, learning, and acting to achieve your authentic career vision.
- Love relationship—the quality of your marriage or committed relationship often has a more profound impact on your wellness than diet, regimen, and even smoking (heaven forbid). Making your love life better will make you healthier in all ways.
- Family and friends—a healthy social life with clear boundaries and mutual respect throughout is healing in every way. Your friends and family should be building you up, not tearing you down. Wellbeing won’t suffer the latter.
- Finance—your financial health has a profound impact on your stress level, quality of life, and self-regard. My 30+ years of business management experience can help you improve your bottom line—wherever you may be starting from.
- Physical environment—is your home sweet indeed, inside, outside, and in your immediate environment? Do these really work to support your way of life and interests? By making your space work better for you, your life will work better period.
- Personal and spiritual growth—people who are growing are usually happy. People who stagnate usually are not. There’s no time like now to grow into your higher nature and fulfill your human potential.
- Fun and recreation—all work and no play makes Jack or Jill a dull person. Having fun things to do and look forward to whips up the zing and zest in life. For the sake of your greater wellbeing, let’s get you out and playing more!
Wellbeing Coaching Process
By no means do the eight categories above cover all aspects of your life. Likely some others are more important in your life today. Wellbeing coaching begins with an honest inventory of your present life to identify leverage points—areas where change would enhance multiple dimensions of your life. Even when I work with executives in business and government, improving their wellbeing proves the best place to start. Inevitably, when people clarify why, where, and what changes are needed, they develop novel strategies for making them happen, good support systems for seeing their efforts through, and creative ways of holding themselves accountable. There is no greater gift you can give to the world, to those you love, or to yourself than to intensify the light of your wellbeing.