Integrative Wellness Coaching for Stress Management and Mood Care
I apply a naturalistic approach to stress alleviation and mood balancing, which includes four core practices that all work together to create more healthy brain states and neuroendocrine functioning.
Meditation Training

Mindpower™ development is central to my coaching practice and plays a pivotal role in stress and mood care. We explore a wide range of meditation modalities to find the one(s) that work best for you to alleviate stress and balance your moods.
Movement and Fitness Coaching

The role of physical activity, including formal exercise, in alleviating stress, balancing mood states, and creating a more positive mental outlook has been firmly established. We’ll work together to create a physical activity and exercise program that you will love and look forward to doing.
Nutritional Counseling

Your nutritional regimen has a profound effect on your stress levels and mood states. We work to improve your overall nutritional profile with an emphasis on increasing beneficial natural foods and herbs and eliminating industrial foods and substances that trigger stress, anxiety, and depression.
Emotional Healing

The role of a coach in supporting you emotionally might be the greatest gift they can bring. The power of being deeply heard, understood, and accepted without judgment is healing in and of itself. No matter what emotional challenges you may be facing, the way out is through. And it helps when someone has your back. We’ll also apply specific meditation and movement practices that promote emotional healing on the physical, emotional, and energetic levels.
A Path to Joy and Ease

I’m convinced through decades of experience that anyone—no matter how stressed, anxious, fearful, or depressed—can learn to better regulate their stress and mood states in a short period of time. To the extent they do, they realize greater ease, joy, and fulfillment in their life and work. You really don’t have to go on feeling battered by the storms of life. You can learn how to sail into calmer waters whenever you choose.